How to bake Best Lasagna Recipe Step By Step Recipe

How to bake Best Lasagna Recipe Step By Step Recipe


Lasagna is one of the most popular foods of Italian cosine, lasagna is the type of flat pasta, one of the best type of pasta with a stacked layer of this flat

Lasagna recipe


Lasagna sheet ½ Packet
Mozzarella cheese ½ Cup
Cheddar   cheese ½ Cup
Oil 2Tbsp
Salt To Taste
Water For Boiling



Boil water on high heat adds salt and two tablespoon oil in it. When it starts boiling add lasagna sheet and cook it until its done, after staining when it becomes cold place lasagna sheet on Pyrex dish.

Ingredients for white sauce


Butter 3Tbsp
Fine flour 100Grams
Milk 1kg
Salt ½ Teaspoon
White peer 1 Teaspoon
Chicken powder 2 Teaspoon

Preparation of white sauce

In a saucepan melt butter and add flour cook it 3-4 minutes then gradually add milk and use a whisk to gently stir the sauce, whisk until sauce is even throughout then add salt, black- pepper paprika powder, and shredded cheddar cheese and let it simmer for a minute on low flame. Turn off the heat when a very thing is well mixed.

You can also check:

Ingredients for minced chicken


Chicken minced ½ kg
Oil 4 Tablespoon
Onion (diced) Two Medium
Water ½ Cup
Salt To Taste
Black-pepper ½ Teaspoon
Hot sauce 1 Tablespoon
Soya sauce Four Tablespoon
Vinegar Two tablespoon
Garlic powder ½ Teaspoon

Preparation for minced chicken

In a yoke heat oil and fry the onion on medium heat until it becomes transparent. Then add chicken mince, garlic powder, and water. Let it cook for 3-4 minutes then add salt black-pepper, paprika powder soya sauce vinegar and cook it on high flame.


For assembling 

Take a oven Pyrex dish line/spread butter on base and side on Pyrex dish through liner brush then add boiled lasagna sheet than add cook chicken minced and spread evenly add white sauce again layer of lasagna sheet ( repeat the process 2-3 time) at last add one cup of grated mozzarella cheese ½ cup of olives slice on the top of it also add capsicum and tomato on the top of it.

Place the dish in preheated oven and bake at 180degree for 20-25 mi

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