How To Make Apple Crumble Dessert Basic Recipe step by step

How To Make Apple Crumble Dessert  Basic Recipe step by step

Apple crumble dessert is the most famous and likable dessert. A crisp is a baked fruit dessert topped with a crunch and crispy layer of ingredients. Apple Crumble: Similar to a crisp, a crumble is a baked fruit dessert with a layer of topping. The crumble topping rarely includes dry fruit or nuts and is instead usually a streusel-like combination of flour, sugar, and butter.



Apple crumble Recipe

Serving for six people




500 grams


6 tablespoon

Ground cinnamon

1table spoon


1 tablespoon

Preparation of Apple Crumble Souce

Wash and peel the apples and cut into ¼ inches slice or dice them into small chunks and add butter 100, brown sugar 7-gram mix well all to gather in a bowl and place them prepare baking dish.

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For topping Of Apple Crumble

Fine flour 200 Grams
Butter 100 Grams
Broun sugar 75Grams


Preparation of Apple Crumble topping

  1. Preheat the oven and prepare your baking pan to turn the oven 180degree
  2. Whisk the flour sugar, salt, cinnamon in a medium bowl you can also sift the ingredients together into a bowl, but whisking is faster.
  3. Add butter to the dry crumble ingredients, combine the butter with the flour till it reaches a crumbly texture if you use our hands, and be sure not to overwork the butter.
  4. Now cover the apple with the crumb topping  scatter all of the toppings evenly over the apples in press down lightly to gently  pack it over the mounded apples
  5. Transfer the baking pan into the oven and bake it for 45 minutes to one hour or until the top is golden, the juices are bubbly and the apple is cooked through oven heat
  6. After the required time remove from the oven and let the apple crumble sit a few minutes before dishing up.
  7. Serve apple crumble with ice cream or custard.


apple-crumbleEnjoy it

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